Community Feedback

Community Feedback Form

We’re collecting feedback reports from young people and advocates on different systems and services. CRAY partners meet regularly to go over situations to understand trends, be aware of experiences and collectively advocate for systems change.

PLEASE DO NOT include any confidential or identifying information about the situation, for example, * Name/Nickname, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Address, Names of Team Members/Workers, Family Info, Social Media, Offender Info or any other identifying information.

If you have a question about the community feedback process or need help with this form, contact the CRAY team at

If you want to see how an advocate can support you in your situation, contact New Paths Lead Advocate Lindsey Vang via email at or call/text 414-587-5247.

Community Feedback Form

If you don't see an option that works for you, explain the type of agency/staff below.

If you don't see an option that works for you, explain the type of agency/staff below.